FLIP! 3️⃣ Success Steps Your Kids Use

Success Steps are the activities your kids use to FLIP! their interests, passions, ideas into something real. As your kids engage in these activities they use three success steps. The three Success Steps are:

  1. Read a FLIP!
  2. Write a FLIP!
  3. Grow a FLIP!

Each of these steps are inline with methods used in many of educational settings your kids may be involved in. FLIP! Success Steps match up with:

  1. Reading Activities
  2. Writing Prompts
  3. Project Resources

In the Read a FLIP! Step, your kids read a FLIP! done by someone else. In this step, they are also learning Entrepreneurship of Kids. FLIP! treats any interest, passion, idea as a "business" project. Although sometimes a FLIP! may be hard to see as a "business startup" it helps kids organize their project and see all the aspects of business thinking that can equip them for success in all areas of life.

In the Write a FLIP! Step, your kids write their own FLIP. Along side this activity, they also learn Growth Mindset for Kids. This helps kids open up their thinking style and not limit the potential of their FLIP!

The Grow a FLIP! Step is where your kids are given a look at Project Management for Kids. This step gives kids a look at skills that can really help their FLIP! take off. 

You'll want to view the video for each FLIP! Success Program level to see what Success Steps are included in each level and how they are presented. Use these links to review each level.


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